Friday 24 January 2014


  A tiger was found dead in suspicious circumstance with its limbs missing in the Nllamala Forest in Mabhubhnagar district. Though the big cat reportedly died two days ago, the incident came into light on Thursday when the Shepherds alerted the local officials. It is suspected that the smugglers kills the tiger and cut off its limbs for nails due to the high demands of then\m in the international market. The carcass of the tiger was found at Rushula Cheruvu in the Munnanoor forest range. Rushula Cheruvu is major source of water for the wild animals. That's why the smugglers always keep an eye on this.
              Though the officials also suspected that the tiger was old enough, so it can be possible that the tiger was dead because of its age, and after the death of that big cats, the smugglers came and took away its limbs. The Post-mortem report will ensure the real cause of the death of this tiger.


                      Scientist of Brazil have discovered the first new river dolphin species since the the end of the 1st world war. Named after the Araguaia river where it was found, the species only the fifth known of its in the world. writing on the journal Plos One, the researchers said it separated from the South American river species more than two million years ago. There are believed to be about 1000 of the creature living in the Araguaia river basin.
                       River Dolphins are very rare creatures. According to the IUCN, there are only four known species, and three of them are red listed (Critically Endangered)