Friday 24 January 2014


  A tiger was found dead in suspicious circumstance with its limbs missing in the Nllamala Forest in Mabhubhnagar district. Though the big cat reportedly died two days ago, the incident came into light on Thursday when the Shepherds alerted the local officials. It is suspected that the smugglers kills the tiger and cut off its limbs for nails due to the high demands of then\m in the international market. The carcass of the tiger was found at Rushula Cheruvu in the Munnanoor forest range. Rushula Cheruvu is major source of water for the wild animals. That's why the smugglers always keep an eye on this.
              Though the officials also suspected that the tiger was old enough, so it can be possible that the tiger was dead because of its age, and after the death of that big cats, the smugglers came and took away its limbs. The Post-mortem report will ensure the real cause of the death of this tiger.


                      Scientist of Brazil have discovered the first new river dolphin species since the the end of the 1st world war. Named after the Araguaia river where it was found, the species only the fifth known of its in the world. writing on the journal Plos One, the researchers said it separated from the South American river species more than two million years ago. There are believed to be about 1000 of the creature living in the Araguaia river basin.
                       River Dolphins are very rare creatures. According to the IUCN, there are only four known species, and three of them are red listed (Critically Endangered)

Thursday 26 December 2013

More Than 2100 square km of Forest Area lost in Maharashtra

                 A report tracking climate change in India recently released by Ministry of statistics and programme  implementation reveals that Maharashtra has lost more than 2116 sq km of forest area within the past two decades.
                The state already known for its highest pollutant rivers in India. Now this deforestation further affects the capacity of ground water to absorb and store water.
                The state has also gained 5030 sq km of forest cover in the period covered by the report (1987-2011). However, the forest cover and the forest area are not the same. It does not provide much ecological benefits.
                D Stalin said, " The developers have taken over environmental issues. The loss of forests compromises the state's water security."

Saturday 7 December 2013


              In this countdown we start from the least deadliest to the most deadliest animals. This countdown is based on the human deaths per year. So, here we go now-

10. Stray Dog:

                India has a large number of stray dogs in the cities. This Dogs normally do not attack the human, but at the time of mating and fighting season these Stray dogs sometimes become very dangerous and attack the human. Normally the children are attacked by them. Every year, there are 1000 dog biting cases are filed in India, though the death of human by dog biting is not huge in number. approximately 10-20 people are found dead by dog biting, every year. That's why this stray dogs are in number 10 in our countdown list.
Stray Dog

9.  Black Bear:

             In the Himalayan region of India, this black bears are found. They are very much aggressive, they can attack without any reason. This attacks normally occurs in the morning section. The number of human deaths by black bear are approximately 20 human per year in India. But they attack human more often than stray dogs, That's why they are the number 9 in our countdown.
Black Bear

8. Honey Bee:

               Honey bees are found everywhere in India. This honey bees are very much territorial, they attack everything that looks dangerous to them. The death of human per year due to honey bee attack is much greater than the stray dog attack. approximately 40-50 people are died every year due to honey bee attacks. That's why this stray dogs are in number 8 in our countdown list.

Honey Bee

7.  Scorpion:

Black scorpion
              In India, around 86 species of scorpion lived are found out of them 50 are very much deadly for the human. Scorpions are found everywhere in India, The death of human per year due to scorpion bites are much greater than the previous animals. Every year around 80 people are found dead due to scorpion attacks. That's Why, scorpions are our number 7 in this countdown. 

The next animal in this least leaves in water.... and they do not attack human for protection, they attack human for food.

6. Crocodile: 

              In India, crocodiles are well known human attacker. They lived in the Shallow water or lakes. These crocodiles attacks adult human. Crocodiles attack are very common where human and crocodile habitat coincide. They are sneak attackers. Every year  around 100 people died due to human attacks. They are our number 6 animal in this countdown.

Our next is known for it's sneak attacks, it attacks it's prey until they are at most 5 meters near of it.

5. Leopard:

              Leopard is one of the big cat that found across everywhere in India. Leopards attacks are very much often in these years as the depleting of the forest causes their habitat loss. and for food they entered nearby human habitat for food. Leopards are found in the nearby village fields, and they often attack solitary human when they get chance. Every year around 150-200 human found dead due to leopard attacks. That's why leopards are our number 5 in the India's Deadliest Animal Countdown based on human killing per year.
             In the past there are a list of man eater leopards who kills people at a high rate. 
            The Panar Leopard kills around 400 human in his live span.
            The Kahani man eater kills around 200 human, and the Rudraprayag man eater kills 125 human.

4. Bengal Tiger:

Bengal tiger
            Bengal tiger is one of the deadliest man-eaters of in India. According to the wildlife researchers, bengal tigers are the only remaining man eaters in this world. though it is proven that only injured and old tigers become man-eaters. The Sundarbans is the place where this killing takes place mainly. Though there are other places where tiger kills human. Every year around 300 people died due to tiger attacks. Bengal tigers are our number 4 in this list.

Our next animal in this countdown is worshiped by the humans.

3. Elephant: 

             Elephants might looks like big and slow moving animal but they are very deadly when they get angry. The wild elephants entered the human habitat for food and destroy everything in there path. In the jungle of the wild elephants, those elephants destroy the homes and food of the humans. and often kills human. Every year 2,000 people are killed due to Elephant attacks.
Wild Elephant

2. Snakes:

            Snakes are considered to be the most deadliest animal on the earth. India is the home of the venomous snakes. The Cobra, The King Cobra, The Krait, Python, Russell Vipers,Saw Scaled Viper, Purple Pit Viper, Common Rat Snake all those deadly venomous snakes are in here. Every year almost 50,000 people found dead due to snake attacks. They are our number 2 in our countdown.

The Krait
            Now it's the time for the number 1 animals which kills more human in India than others. Our number 1 animal of this countdown is..........

1. Mosquito:

             Mosquito is very much common insects of India. But mosquito bites are the cause of the deadliest viral fevers- dengue, malaria and more. Every year almost 200,000 people found death due to mosquito bites. That is why I choose the mosquitoes as the deadliest animal in this Deadliest animal countdown list. 


           Here you see the deadliest animal countdown based on human killing per year. leave your comment please about the countdown... we are eagerly waiting for your replies.

Thursday 5 December 2013


          Indian subcontinent host a huge number of migratory birds in summer as well as in winter. It is estimated that almost one hundred species fly to India every year. There are a lot of sanctuaries that serve them as their temporary habitat. Usually birds starts migrate in search of food or due to extreme cold winter season. and once they start their migration no one can stop them except extreme bad weather.
          Here are a list of some important migratory birds of India-


Black crowned night heron
Asian koel
Blue tailed bee eater
  • Asian Koel
  • Black crowned night heron
  • Eurasian golden oriole
  • Comb duck
  • Blue cheeked bee eater
  • Blue tailed bee eater
  • Cuckoos

Comb Duck


Common teal
  • Siberian Crane
  • Greater flamingo
  • Ruff
  • Black winged stilt
  • Common teal
  • Common greenshank
  • Northern pintail
  • Yellow wagtail
  • White wagtail
  • Northern shoveler
  • Rosy palican
  • Gadwall
  • Starling
  • Wood sandpiper
  • Spotted Sandpiper
  • Eurasian wigeon
  • Black tail godwit
  • Spotted redshank
  • Bluethoart
  • Long billed pipit
    Rosy palican

Tuesday 3 December 2013


              Daying ering wildlife sanctuary is situated in Arunachal Pradesh, India. It is now bans entry within premises due to the recent salt lick ambush laid by hunters, killing a bird, and disappearance of of two camera trapping from the sanctuary. There had been restriction of hunting and poaching to some extent in the sanctuary in the past two years.
              This sanctuary is located at Pasighat. This is located on the island- boating through the river Siang is the only way to reach this sanctuary. It's spread over an area of 190 sq km and houses of varieties of animals and birds. It is divided into three ranges- Anchalghat, Sibiamukh and Barghuli. 75% of the Sanctuary is covered with alluvial grassland, 15% are the woods and 10% is covered by water.
              From September-February, a variety of migratory birdslike cranes, wild ducks, storks, water fowls and hornbills migrate here from far off places making it a bird's paradise. A few of the birds come here from Siberia and Mongolia.
              Deer, wild elephant, buffaloes and other small animals are found in this sanctuary. Aquatic birds such as spot-billed pelican, bear's pochards, Indian skimmer, lesser adjutant, lesser whistling teal, black-bellied tern and the darter also make the sanctuary as their home. More than 100 aquatic species such as water monitor lizards, pisces turtle and other reptiles live in the waters of the sanctuary. The Bengal tiger is the special features of this sanctuary. although, it is rarely seen.
             This ban is very much painful for those who love to capture the pictures of the birds.

Thursday 28 November 2013



          Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altiaca), also known as the Amur tiger is the largest living big cat and also ranked among the biggest felids that ever exists in the world. Amur tiger once found throughout the Russian Far East, north China and the Korean peninsular. By the 1940s, hunting has driven the Amur tiger to the brink of extinction- with no more than 40 individuals remaining in the wild. The subspecies was saved when Russia become the first country to grant the tigers full protection. By 1980s, the population increases around 500. Although poaching increases in these days, the number of the Amur tiger in the wild is now stable (400-500).


         The main threats for these tigers today are the habitat loss, very low density of prey and poaching. 


         The future of these tiger completely depends on the human. If we do not care, then these tiger will extinct in future. At present these Amur tigers are Endangered species according to IUCN 3.1 Red List. 


       To save these creature the best we can do is to do nothing i.e. leave them in the wild, do not interface their life. But all of us know that is impossible today. So we have to do a lot to save them. 


       Here is my thoughts to save them. 
1. We use camera traps to watch whole movement of the Amur tigers.
2. Use radio- collars for their exact locations.
3. Capture some of the pregnant tigress and transfer them to a safe location or area where we can monitor them 24 hours. But those tigress must not feel caged.
4. When the tiger cubs are old enough we transfer them to the wild.
5. To deal with the poachers, the government must enforce new laws and strict punishment for the poachers.


       Still there is no solution for the habitat loss and the low prey density though we knew the cats are the best in adaptation and evolution. So we hope the life will find its way and these Amur tiger find there way of life and will not extinct in future.

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Sunset point at Port Blair

Jailer Barry's Chair at Cellular Jail

Cellular jail

Gallows at Cellular Jail

Mangrove At Andaman ISland

Limestone Cave

Museum at Port Blair
Andaman Island is situated in the southern India. It is famous for its coral reefs, water sports, historical back ground, for the various tribes of the Andaman and two dead volcanoes.

Ross Island

Chital at Ross island


  By Air- there are plenty planes services from these cities of India- Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai to Port Blair- the capital of Andaman Nicobor Island. It is almost a 2 to 4 hour plane journey. It’ll take 2 hours from Kolkata to Port Blair.
Ross island
Bunkers used in world war 2
 Indian Airlines- fly from Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai to port Blair.
 Spicejet- fly from Chennai to Port Blair.
Places at Ross Island
 JetLite- fly from Chennai to port Blair. Also fly from Delhi to Port Blair via Kolkata.
These flights are not so much low-cost, if compared to the same airlines’ mainland flights.

By Sea- you also can travel by ship. There are ships routes from Kolkata, Chennai, and

Green lizard at Havelock Island

Scuba Diving at North Bay
Visakhapatnam to Port Blair. It takes almost 4 days to reach Port Blair. This trip is much less cost than travelling by air.
          This travelling becomes boring as you have nothing to do without watching the sea.


Sunset Point
 1.       Havelock Island:  The most visited of the islands, with the most infrastructures (although still minimal). It is famous for its beautiful beaches. The Radhanagar beach is one of the famous beach of India as well as the world.
a island in Mahatma Gandhi National Park
seat and see the Sunset at sunset point
2.       Rutland Island: it is a quite non-polluted and least visited island. Famous for its beautiful mangrove forest and coral reefs. There is a 45 acre Totani Resort which has quaint little huts which can be used as a base camp for exploring the island. It is a ideal place for Eco-tourists.
3.     Neil Island: when you enter this island you may think that it is a waste of time and waste of money, but believe me, it is one of those place which you remembered for the rest of your life. This island has a reach coral beach. If you watch the water on the coral beach you can see and can touch the star fish, but remember, do not take out of the water for long time, unless they die. You can also see sea-cucumber and sea-plants.
4.   Baratang Island: Mud volcano, Limestone cave and Mangrove creeks in the black waters are the main source of attraction here.
5.  Barren Island: it is the only volcano of India.
6.  Long Island: if you see Cast Away and imagine if you were in the same position, what you will do, then you can try it here. Nothing you can get here, it's very much adventurous place.
7.  Cellular Jail: it’s a historical place, here the British rulers of the India sent most of the notorious rebels and torture them in extreme ways.
8.  Viper Island: It’s also a historical place, before the creation of the cellular jail, most of the rebels were send here to die.
ready for scuba diving at North Bay
9.  Ross Island: It’s also a historical place, it is very close to Port Blair, and can be easily spotted from the top of the cellular jail.
10. North Bay: this place is only for those who love Water sports, here you can do, Scuba diving, Snorkelling, water-glass boating to see the Coral life, though for the increasing of this water sports.
At Neil Island

Crab at Neil Island

Coral reef at Neil Island

Sea Cucumber at Neil Island

Sunset point
Star fish in hand
11. Middle Strait: here you can see nothing. Then why you need to visit this? Because of the Jarowa tribes. To reach here you have to cross almost 45 km Jungle by road (in car) and in these jungle you can see the Jarowa tribes. But never take any picture of them as it is illegal here and if you do so, you may be fined a huge amount of money and jail up to 5 years.
12. Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park: There are 15 islands though only 2 are open for the tourists- Jolly Buoy and Redskin island. Redskin island is famous for its reef wall, high diversity of corals and saltwater crocodile habitat. And the Jolly Buoy is known for its large shoals of fishes. Also it have good diversity of corals and reef wall.


1.        Scuba diving: Havelock island and north bay is known for diving. Though they are very much ordinary diving sites respect to the natural beauty of Andaman. They best sites for diving are- Barren island (active volcano), Narcondam island (extinct volcano), Invisible Bank (an extensive seamount approx. 100 miles southeast of Port Blair). These diving sites are little expensive but surely money worthy.
2.        Snorkelling: it’s very much fun, much good for those who do not know swimming. This activity done in north bay, Havelock beach and mau terra beach.
3.        Surfing:  done in little Andaman island.
4.        Glass bottom boat: done in North Bay, Redskin Island, Jolly Buoy Island and Neil Island.


 Seafood is the order of the trip. From upscale restaurants of Port Blair to the small dhabas of the small islands, fish abounds. The foods are little expensive for the Indian standard but the food is money worthy.


Fresh coconuts are popular and widely available. Alcohol is available in some restaurants too. But there is no pub culture or even dance club.


1.        From Port Blair to Havelock there are passenger ferries and seaplane service. Seaplane service is money worthy but awesome experience.
2.        Main language of Andaman is Tamil and Bengali.
3.        There are youth hostels and Ramakrishna Mission’s lodge, if you can arrange it, then you can get very less expensive rooms.
4.        Scooters and Motorcycles are available in the islands for rent, per day charge is around Rs. 150 to Rs. 200 with a deposit money, of Rs. 750 to Rs. 1000.
5.        Taxies and autorickshaws are also available in the island.
6.        Never try to capture any photographs where it is prohibited.
7.        While doing water sports, you should follow the instructor for your own safety.
8.        Don’t bring any kind of corals with you. It is a crime.


 For more detail information and if you have interested in travelling Andaman, contact us