Scientists mapped the genomes of the tigers, lions and snow leopards in a conservation project to save the endangered species. The researches get a huge break through while working on this. they found that the tigers shares 96% of its genomes with the domestic cats. this research also shows that how the white lions get its pale coat and how the snow leopards adapted to the snowy mountain ranges. according to the researchers, cats are very much capable of adoption. they can change their habits when the environment calls for it.

But a big questions arises now- if 96% of the tiger genomes matched with the domestic house cats then is it possible that these house cats may be very dangerous for us? Since they have many genomes common with the ultimate predator- The Tigers, it may be possible that that some day these cats attack the human, and if it happens in future it may be a huge trouble to mankind as we all know cats are very common.
So, we should keep a safe distance from them, for the good of both ends.
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